Friday, November 27, 2020

 Some thoughts on Faith

Ok, I understand that there have been volumes written about faith, but I thought I’d share some scriptures and some personal observations. 

Faith can be defined as a system of beliefs.  Someone might ask, “What faith are you?”  You might answer, “I am Christian,” or, “I am Jewish,” or you might say you are an atheist, which is itself a type of faith. 

More importantly, however, faith, for the believer, is living with total trust in God.  

Below are some scriptures and personal observations about faith in the life of a believer.  This is in no way extensive, and I have tried to give references to sources where possible.  Some are my own thoughts.  Scriptures are quoted from a variety of translations.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1.  Assurance and conviction…the basics of faith.

Faith sees best in the dark.  (Kirkegaard).  When we have no idea what is next, God does.

Faith is taking hold of God’s hand and walking into the darkness. (source uncertain) Trusting in the darkest of moments.

The faith of God’s elect is the faith that can see in the dark, the faith that is calm in the tumult, the nightingale faith which can sing among thorns, the faith which shines like a lone star when everything around her is black as midnight.  (Charles H. Spurgeon). Faith provides the assurance of God’s presence when it seems impossible.

Faith is not understanding perfectly, but trusting completely, being finished with sin. (David Winter, The Confessions of Saint Augustine, in Christian Classics in Modern English.) Perfection is not being asked for, but constant trust is.  Faith that God will give us victory over temptation and sin.

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.”  Hebrews 11:6. Faith is a requirement if we desire to please God.

“It is by grace you are saved, through faith.”  Ephesians 2:8 Grace is extended when we do not deserve it, and faith is that trust that brings us into relationship with God.

Faith is not always easy, but it is always necessary, maybe even required.

Faith is the bird that sings [even when the song is unknown], and sees light while it is still dark. (Rabindranath Tagore) Once again, substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Faith is deliberately focusing on God, while deliberately not worrying about what is coming. The key word is “deliberately.”

Faith seems to be the name of the game. Without it, there is nothing.

Forsaking All I Trust Him. Note the first letters in each word

Job said it best in 13:15, with this “gut punch” statement, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” Perhaps the most difficult aspect of faith, trusting God no matter what.

My late father in law was a man of great courage. He saw a plot of land off of I75 in Northern Kentucky.  He envisioned a beautiful church there, put his strong faith in God, and now Central Church of the Nazarene sits there as a monument to the greatness of our God and Brother Little’s rock-like faith.

My own dad had a “motto” of sorts. He would say, “God’s going to work this out, I KNOW he will.”  Dad did not always get the answers he asked for.  In fact he had some pretty rough trials during his lifetime.   But God was indeed always faithful.  He simply asks us to have that kind of anyway.

My sister, Marian, lived a life of faith most of her time on earth, trusting Jesus daily for grace.

My brother, Tom, embraced faith in Christ just a couple of weeks before his journey to heaven in 2018.

My other siblings, Anita and Buddy, have fulfilled God’s call on their lives and have been living lives of faith since childhood.

In these uncertain times, let us put forth a major effort to deliberately trust God’s providence in all things, and live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave himself for us.

Lord, increase our faith.

Thanks be to God.


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