Sunday, March 29, 2020

Finding Hope in Troubled Times

Is anyone feeling fearful or uneasy about now? How about just concerned? I hope you’re not panicking, but it is perfectly normal to feel uneasy about what is going on in the world right now with this deadly virus spreading, becoming a pandemic that has disrupted our lives. One person said we are feeling grief; grieving over the loss of a normal life. Unless you are doing something different, thinking about something else, or making yourself do something else, you will be thinking about it constantly.

I am not one to gripe about the media very often, but I must tell you we need to turn the news off occasionally. It is enough to make you literally sick if you’re not careful. We can’t ignore what’s going on, but we have to look in different directions for a healthy balance.

It seems that the coronavirus caught us unprepared. Therein lies the source of our fears. We see new numbers every day that are distressing. We are behind where we should be. We weren’t ready for it, and are uncertain about our future.

There is help in addressing that uncertainty, however. True, under no conditions do we know what tomorrow holds, but as the old gospel song says, “…I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.”

So, how do we balance our need for information, acknowledging concerns that are part of this crisis that we are in? Also, how do we maintain our sanity. I have been searching the Scriptures for some answers. Here are a few:

Psalm 23, the Good Shepherd watches over his own
Psalm 37, see especially the verses speaking to God’s protection
Psalm 46, especially verses 1 and 10.
Psalm 91, God keeps those who acknowledge him and his protecting power.
Psalm 94:19, Christ’s consolation dispelling fear
Isaiah 35:4, God will be there for us
Isaiah 41:10, God’s help and encouragement to not fear
Matthew 28: 18b-20, his promise to never leave us.
2 Timothy 1:7, a spirit of love and a sound mind has been given to us
1 Peter 5:6-7, cast all our cares and anxieties on him for he cares for us

I encourage you to look at these and find some of your own. There are many more to be discovered. Read them slowly and let the Father speak to you through his words. We serve a great God, who has promised to never abandon us. Believing these words is a conscious choice we make, and we receive the assurance that his word is true. He is with us on this uncertain journey, but he knows where it is going. Just, “Be still,” and go with him, and trust that when he says, “…I will help you,” he means what he is saying.

Thanks be to God.

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