Thursday, October 17, 2019



A couple of years ago, our church conducted a study called Kingdom Come. The study was about six weeks long and led up to Easter. I was part of a small group hosted by my daughter.

Our pastor, in his first sermon on the Kingdom series, preached on the kingdom of this world vs. the Kingdom of Christ. Our world teaches, “get,” “get ahead,” “push,” “work harder to make more,” “look out for #1,” “negotiate for more”. The Kingdom of God teaches, “receive,” “love,” “give,” “sacrifice,” “take care of others,” “put God first”. The Kingdom of God also compels the world to “repent,” and “believe”.

As to kingdoms, there is one basic problem. We Americans don’t have a king. Our founding fathers determined from the outset that we would not have a king, an absolute monarch. We have a president and a congress, both elected by the people. We have the courts and other bodies, and all of these are supposed to keep each other in check. A king (or queen) is an absolute monarch who has the authority to call all the shots. The UK at least has a parliament and a prime minister, but her Majesty, the Queen, is ever present.

What is the Kingdom of God? How is the Kingdom of God carried out in our lives?

I read a book a couple of years ago called The Gospel of the Kingdom, by George Eldon Ladd. Ladd makes several excellent points in clarifying this topic, but I will mention only a couple.

One, the Kingdom of God is the Lordship of Christ in our lives. This is what Christ meant when he said, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21) This process began at conversion and will continue as time goes on, provided we nourish that relationship with Christ.

Two, the Kingdom of God is both present and future. In other words, it’s here right now, growing, being nourished, reforming us into the image of Christ. Also, the kingdom of God will be established on earth when Christ returns to take up his rule in the universe after he has made all things new. The connection between the two is, we have eternal life now, and when he returns. It is growing within us.

I have also begun to realize that the kingdom can look pretty unspectacular. No parades; no celebrities trying to gain attention; no lightning bolts from heaven; no mighty warriors riding in to eliminate the enemy; no heroes; does not seek revenge; does not boast; only Christ at the center of it all. It makes its presence known by displaying Christlike attitudes and acts of kindness where nothing is expected in return. It forgives someone for a wrong doing and then moves on. It may even be hidden. It manifests itself as Christians seeking to display Christlikeness in the world.

It also gets us ready for Christ’s return and the future kingdom.

Let the Kingdom of God come alive in your life. Accept Christ today and surrender to his Lordship. His is the perfect kingdom. He is the perfect King. His Kingdom is the only one that will last through eternity.

Thanks be to God.

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